Skin Cancer : Prevention, Treatment & Care

Actinic Keratosis

Skin Cancer

Actinic Keratosis Risk Factors

1. Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is the number one risk factor for developing actinic keratosis. Sun damage is cumulative, and often very slow to show its signs. While this is good, it can make many people underestimate the negative effects of sun damage.

2. Old Age

Most people who develop actinic keratosis are over the age of 50. There are two reasons suggested for this. First, as sun damage is cumulative, older people will on average, have been exposed to more UV damage. Secondly, the immune system has a way of identifying and keeping foreign growths like actinic keratosis in check. As the immune system tends to grow weaker with age, it makes the body more prone to actinic keratosis development.

3. Light Coloured Skin

Those with a lighter skin color, especially those with Fitzpatrick skin type I and II are particularly vulnerable to developing actinic keratosis. On the other hand, those with a medium skin are far less likely to develop actinic keratosis, and those with a darker skin color almost never develop actinic keratosis.

4. Immune System

The immune system plays a key function in controlling growths like actinic keratosis. It is well documented that people with a weakened immune system, such as AIDS patients or transplant patients are at much greater risk of developing actinic keratosis. Taking care of your general well being and immune function is important to protect yourself from actinic keratosis, and other problems.

5. Male

Men have a slightly higher incidence of actinic keratosis compared to women. This is speculated to be due to relative sun exposure time. As men have traditionally held outdoor jobs, they have been more exposed to the sun on a regular basis, putting them at greater risk than women on average.

These risk factors can bring out the typical patient with actinic keratosis. Men over the age of 50, who have light coloured skin, have been exposed to prolonged sun damage, and have a weakened immune system are most at risk of developing actinic keratosis. If you fit one or more of those criteria, you may be at increased risk. If you know that you are at higher risk, make the lifestyle changes starting today, and decrease your chances of developing actinic keratosis.


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